Darling to Carling

Next weekend (7-9th October) is the annual Rocking the Daisies music festival in Darling. Darling is normally a small quiet country town in the South African countryside, but for the Daisies weekend it will be rocking. To celebrate, the Carling Black Label team wants to turn it into a true Champion Town and rename it Carling for the weekend. To make this a reality please take a second to sign the petition at http://carlingnotdarling.co.za.

Carling Black Label: Champion Men

[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6LX36Vpta8&feature=youtu.be’]

Rugby World Cup 2011 kicked off today in New Zealand, and while all of South Africa will no doubt be watching and hoping for Springbok victory, Carling Black Label is turning its focus to the champions here on the home front in its latest spot: all men. The brave, strong, and true, who put in the effort to achieve their goals — whether they step foot on the pitch or watch from the pub. All deserve the reward of a champion beer.

Executive creative director: Chris Gotz

Art director: Jonathan Lang

Copywriter: Tommy Le Roux