Careers24 asks the awkward question

“What do you do for a living?” We’ve all been asked, but not everyone has the same reaction.

We recently teamed up with Careers24 to launch an ad campaign that focuses on asking the “What do you do for a living” question, which results in people awkwardly blurting out whichever occupation  comes to mind, and the results are hilarious.

The campaign was rolled out across television, radio, outdoor and online, and works off the insight that our jobs are tied to society’s perception of our worth and some people are embarrassed by their careers.

Watch the television commercials here:

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NSRI – Be Brighter

We teamed up with National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) to encourage paddlers to improve their safety measures when paddling.

Ogilvy Cape Town was asked by the NSRI to create a campaign to encourage the paddling community to #BeBrighter and #WearBrightColours which would help Sea Rescue to take the search out of Search and Rescue.

This was executed through a “Be Brighter” radio campaign illustrating that out in the ocean, a bright colour speaks louder than the loudest cry for help. A powerful example that shows, being visible could save your life. You can listen to the advert by clicking on the SoundCloud link below:


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]


A special thanks to Primedia who gave almost R 80 000.00 worth of free airtime on KFM and Cape Talk to promote the message.

Throwing back to #WallopRSTM

One of our highlights for 2014 was the launch of Wallop! a book written by Toni Younghusband. The story conveys the energy and joy of Bob Rightford and his fellow advertising luminaries, Brian Searle-Tripp and Roger Makin, as they took the South African advertising scene by storm. Watch the launch of the book here:

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Who would have guessed that the little yellow agency named Rightford, Searle-Tripp & Makin, born in the midst of the Apartheid era, would grow into one of the most successful agencies not only in South Africa, but within the Ogilvy & Mather global network.

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Bob Rightford















We have a lot to thank Bob Rightford for, because let’s face it, we wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for him. So it was a proud moment when others also acknowledged his achievements. On the 26th of November 2014, Bob Rightford was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the AdFocus Awards.

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Bob Rightford receiving his Lifetime Achievement Award at the AdFocus Awards
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Bob Rightford, Brian Searle-Tripp and Roger Makin at the AdFocus Awards