How to survive the ad industry

The below article was written by Ogilvy Graduate Nash Mariah for an article originally published at

How To Survive The Ad Industry

Having won the Ogilvy Graduate Programme last year, I was placed into Ogilvy Cape Town’s most coveted digital workshop last week – the ODMA. The challenge given to us in the workshop was to create a digital piece that teaches people something useful.

The first thing I did when trying to figure what I should teach people was to ask myself: If I was looking through my Facebook or Twitter newsfeed and a ‘How to’ guide appeared – what kind of guide would I be interested to see

For me, the answer was simple.

I’ve only been in this industry for about three months, and as a newbie I thought that it would be extremely valuable to hear perspectives on the challenges and expectations that make up this incredibly fast and demanding environment.

Furthermore, I know that the feelings and challenges that I’ve been confronted with are felt by many other people in my position and even people who are still studying and who have yet to enter the industry.

To gain insight into how to truly be successful, I interviewed some of Ogilvy’s most well-known employees including Roger Makin (founder of Ogilvy South Africa), Gavin Levinsohn (managing director of Ogilvy Cape Town), Chris Gotz and Nicholas Wittenberg (creative directors).

Some of the best pieces of advice gained from them in the video are:

“Learn, unlearn, relearn.” – Chris Rawlinson

“I had to stop being an intellectual, and be a person that wrote from the heart, from the gut.”- Roger Makin

“If you keep focusing powerfully on what’s in front of you, the job becomes manageable and you don’t get overwhelmed.” – Gavin Levinsohn

This is an honest look into what makes these successful people who they are, and I am sure that a lot of people would benefit from seeing it.

Why David Ogilvy chose RED

Written by Rob Hill, Chief Operations Officer, Ogilvy & Mather SA.

Why did David Ogilvy choose red, not blue or black or any other hue when he started Ogilvy? Is red a message about the kind of agency he wanted to build? Is the colour red a thread of DNA that he chose to shape his company?

There is no doubt that David Ogilvy never did much without research. He spent his formative years in advertising as a Gallup researcher. He left us with many instructions to do our homework. “Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals,” he said.

So if David was as diligent as we know him to be and if he chose red specifically, it’s clear that he wanted to build a company that was ‘red by design’.

But what was it that David discovered about red that convinced him it was the right colour for his new company? This is especially curious given that in those days (post-war 1948), red wasn’t a fashionable colour. In fact it might have been a statement against fashion. According to Vogue archives, in the late 40’s, navy blue was the colour du jour.

If we do our research as David urges and try to understand his thought process, we find that red is a colour that is hot-wired into our subconscious with a range of symbolic, visual, psychological and physical meanings.

Red = Winning

British anthropologists Russell Hill and Robert Barton of the University of Durham reached the conclusion that when opponents of a game are equally matched, the team dressed in red is more likely to win. Their research is based on a study of the outcomes of one-on-one boxing and freestyle wrestling matches at the Olympics.

“Where there was a large point difference — presumably because one contestant was far superior to the other — colour had no effect on the outcome,” Barton said. “Where there was a small point difference, the effect of colour was sufficient to tip the balance.”

In equally matched bouts, the preponderance of red wins was significant enough that it could not be attributed to chance, the anthropologists say. Hill and Barton found similar results in a review of the colours worn at the Euro 2004 international soccer tournament.

Red = Breakthrough

There is no doubt that David would have considered the science of red. He would perhaps have known that red, a primary colour and the first to emerge from infrared, is the hue that first strikes the eye and so has an extremely high impact. (This explains why it denotes “stop” in stop signs, brake lights and robots. Sir Giles Scott specifically chose red for the telephone box so it would be easy to spot).

Red, therefore, is the most breakthrough colour. No doubt this fact would have appealed to David.

Red = Risk

The expression “paint the town red” is said to date back to 1837 when the Marquis of Waterford and a group of friends ran riot in the town of Melton Mowbray, painting several buildings red.

Red is never safe. It is not a colour associated with the ordinary and everyday. It excites and energises.

Red signifies danger. It is commonly the colour of the fire fighting profession. Red indicates extreme danger on Western colour-coded scales. There is no middle ground with red. It is not the colour of average; it is the colour of extremes – cupid and the devil.

So risk is red. Red isn’t safe or comforting. It pushes us into the danger zone.

Red = Passion

Red is the colour most associated with human emotion. The human heart is red and in our business, as we know, the heart always trumps the head. Perhaps this is why red is the most passionate of colours, associated with love, courting and romance.

It is well-known that red evokes more passion. Red teams appear to have more fans around the world than blue teams. Even passionate language is described using red as a metaphor. In décor and interior design, red is a passion colour.

Red is a popular choice in high-energy areas such as business foyers. The phrase “red-blooded” describes someone who is passionate, robust and virile. Red isn’t always well-behaved. Red is unruly.

Red is associated with speed and agility and so it’s fitting that it should be the traditional colour of Italian racing cars. Ferrari’s red originated in the way the sport began, where each country was assigned a colour. Red was assigned to Italian cars, Green to English, Blue to France and so on.

Red = Attack

In Roman mythology, red was associated with the god of war, Mars, and the reddish planet was named after him.

Red is idealistic and denotes bravery. The first time red was used as a symbol for revolutionary struggle was during The French Revolution at the end of the eighteenth century. Yet it was in Russia that the colour acquired its specific reference to liberation and new beginnings. Russian revolutionary ideology began to actively exploit the colour, combining in it the symbolism of blood, triumph, victory, hope and faith.

clip_image001Red was the colour of the Roman Empire. It has been said that Roman officers would wear red so that if they were wounded, it would not discourage their troops nearby. The tradition of wearing red was carried though by the British Red Coats.

When the British tried to colonise Africa, the Masai were one of the tribes that fiercely fought back. These African warriors wear red kangas and kikois, which represent power.

Red = Rare

Many painters have exhibited a fascination with red hair, possibly for the mystique it holds as an uncommon hair colour among humans. At most, two percent of the human race is redheaded.

Gustav Klimt explored red often in his work and Sandro Boticelli’s famous painting, The Birth of Venus, depicts the mythological goddess, Venus, as a redhead. There is little doubt that the red hood makes Little Red Riding Hood an infinitely more menacing and memorable story.

Red = Maverick

Red is also the colour we often associate with rebels, mavericks and round pegs in square holes. Karl Marx was possibly the world’s most famous red rebel. Richard Branson and his Virgin brand is another red maverick. Che Guevara, the revolutionary icon, also used red to signal his stance.

Red is also the colour of fame. This dates back to the time of Jahangir, the Mughal emperor from 1605 to 1627. It is said that he once paid a visit to his brother-in-law on New Year’s Day. To celebrate the event, his host carpeted the road between his house and the palace in rich velvets, so that the royal entourage would not have to touch the ground.

Hence the red carpet.

So in summary red, as the research shows, means: always active; always exciting; full of human emotion; high impact; always attracting attention; never safe; full of passion; not confined by rules; committed to society and a social conscience; agile and fast; always on the attack; brave; idealistic; mysterious; hot; winning, and most associated with selling.

So if this is what red is all about, it sounds like David Ogilvy set out to build an extremely exciting and passionate company, a company full of rebels and mavericks.

In 1948, when he made this choice, he wanted to stand out against the prevailing trends and set the tone for his new company. When he developed his red identity he set out to build a company with a uniquely challenging and creative culture.

I suppose the key question for us at Ogilvy today, some 60 years later, is do we live up to red? Are we as passionate, brave, rebellious, idealistic and breakthrough as our DNA demands? Are we on the attack? Do we move beyond safe? Do we evoke strong emotions? Are we agile? Is selling still central?

At our best, I believe we continue to be Red to the core.

We chose a true red find, our Ogilvy Graduate, Michael Stopforth, to design the marvellous infographic below to accompany Rob’s article. Enjoy.

red is negative2_EDIT

Red Huxley – Road to Rancho


Here at Ogilvy, we are lucky to have some great musicians in the house, and one of them is Matt Pullen from the local band Red Huxley. The band have been given a chance to record their debut album in the states with Rock legend Dave Catching from the Eagles of Death Metal and Queens of the Stone Age (to name a few). He runs and owns a recording studio in the California desert & has recorded a host of bands including the Arctic Monkey’s, Kyuss, and the Foo Fighters.

Here’s the catch, they need sponsorship for the band to help cover the expenses. In order to help raise the capital needed they created a KickStarter page (click here).

We need to get Matt out of the studio (his copywriter really needs a break + he is a ginger) so please go to and donate what you can, even $1 would be a great help, alternatively if you are feeling a little skint the best thing to do is to simply share, a tweet, a like, a blog, anything that will spread this amazing opportunity. Help us make a gingers dream come true. Thank you.

Cape Town Tourism: Facebook Holiday

Our client, Cape Town Tourism, briefed us to come up with an online campaign that also promotes the unexpected side of Cape Town. All the small communities, never-heard of places and unearthed gems that can’t be found on Trip Advisor, Lonely Planet, Expedia, or even Google.
So we thought, we can’t send everyone to Cape Town, so let’s send their Facebook profiles instead. They got a virtual, tailor-made Cape Town holiday that exposed them to all the unexpected places, and finally, a few lucky winners got to experience their Facebook profile’s holiday for themselves.

Adrian Varkel: Start Them Young on the Library Run

Adrian Varkel, our resident boss of OgilvyOne, is also a very accomplished children’s book author. Below is a great article he wrote on taking your kids to the library, and why it’s the way forward.


By Adrian Varkel Originally publisehd for The Times

I am never quite sure where my interest in reading and books began.

Strangely enough, I cannot clearly remember my parents reading to me, but I know they did. Whatever they did, it must have rubbed off on me somehow as I remember many exciting trips to the big Sea Point library, using my own library card and returning home with as many books as I was allowed to take out.

I would read avidly in the dark, and because I shared a room with my younger brother, much of this was done under the bed covers with a torch.

As a I grew up I found the library had books to match my changing interests. Whatever I liked they had.

I was always amazed by the concept of the library, even as a young child. It impressed me as being one of the last bastions for good. There were people to help you, you were allowed to take out books free, and they trusted you to return them, too. If only the rest of world could operate this way.

The library and my stints under the covers have kept me enjoying books in my adulthood, even though the world has changed so much around me. I still prefer reading a story to watching the 3D surround- sound version of it. The book’s imagery is more vivid, the enjoyment I get out of the story is deeper and the relationships I have with the characters are more significant.

For these reasons I take my children to the library every week, even though people say it is antiquated and dirty. They are as excited as I used to be, which is warming to see, considering the multitude of alternative technology-based entertainment they have at their disposal.

And every night they excitedly haul out a library book for me to read before bed (often they will try to sneak in a second book).

Story time is not a time to be rushed, even at the end of a long, tiring day. My children notice things I do not in the pictures and the words. They are always excited to ask questions and they love to laugh hard at the silliest things.

Their pure pleasure and curiosity about the story inside the covers of the book are some of the reasons why I began to write children’s books.

This is our first and possibly last chance to get children interested in books. It is what got me hooked.

It’s never too late to start reading, for yourself or to your children.

Adrian heads the digital division for Ogilvy Cape Town. He and his wife, Stacy, have two children, Seth and Ava. He has written two children’s books, Little Lucky Lolo and Little Lucky Lolo and the Very Big Boy(both Pan Macmillan).

Book details