Ogilvy Interns Q&A: Ella de Villiers


Below is a Q&A we have started sending out to see what our interns think of life @OgilvyCT. We will be posting more of these over the coming weeks and months. As a bonus we are giving away 2 tickets to our main Ogilvy Loeries Agency after party, an Ogilvy gift hamper, + huge respect to the intern that gets the most Facebook “Likes” for their answers (Just click the “like” button above this post). Enjoy!


1. What is the most embarrassing thing that COULD happen to you at Ogilvy?

Well, probably if I fell down all the stairs while simultaneously losing control of my bladder…yip, that would not be good.

2. What is the most embarrassing thing that HAS happened to you?

Nothing really, unless you count that thing with the tea and the double-sided tape and the mounting station.

3. Who are you most scared of/nervous to speak to?

That top floor seems pretty intimidating…

4. When you tell people that you are interning at Ogilvy, how do they respond?

They generally want to know if I’ve had much sleep and if I’ve gone crazy yet.

5. If you could be anyone in the agency for one day, who would it be?

Sharleen, definitely Sharleen, the controller of all that is good and evil J

6. Do you take the lift or the stairs?

Take the lift up and the stairs down.

7. How many cups of tea/coffee have you been drinking per day?

About 5 – 10 cups of tea, yum!

8. What did you wear on your first day, and why?

Um, leggings, some dress top, boots and my navy blue jacket. It’s a comfy outfit and I like it J

9. What surprised you most about working at Ogilvy?

How quickly everything gets done and how urgent it all is – real world pressures can’t be taught at college.

10. If you were offered a job at Ogilvy, but you had to run naked up and down the stairs first, would you do it?

Nope. But if it was an incredible contract I might do it in my underwear…

Ogilvy Cape Town IAIAA Winner


Congratulations to @Ella_DV who ran away with the trophy for the Ogilvy inaugural Internal Advertising Intern Advertising Award (IAIAA). The competition was tough and as you can see below the judging was profetionally done over lunch on a Friday!.

In the end there could only be one winner, and that lucky person was Ella de Villiers. Ella has been interning on our Studio as a Jnr Art Director and walked away with the prize for the below masterpiece. Enjoy Ella, and hold high your dolphin, toothbrush, tinsel, and gold trophy with pride.Mo

Ogilvy Interns Q&A: Kayli Levitan

thugtea pot               We get hundreds of applicants from people wanting to intern with us each year, but only a carefully chosen handful get to try out. Below is a Q&A we have started sending out to see what they think of life @OgilvyCT. We will be posting more of these over the coming weeks and months, and as a bonus we are giving away 2 tickets to our main Ogilvy Loeries Agency after party, an Ogilvy gift hamper, + huge respect to the intern that gets the most facebook “Likes” for their answers (Just click the “like” button above this post). Enjoy!

1. What is the most embarrassing thing that COULD happen to you at Ogilvy?

Getting locked in the toilet for the entire day. Dropping your lunch from the top floor to the bottom floor on to some important persons’ head. Or falling over a balcony.

2. What is the most embarrassing thing that HAS happened to you?

I was making tea and started chatting to someone in the kitchen. He mentioned that he was a writer and so we just spoke about work, I asked what school he went to, blah blah blah, etc etc… Later I found out he was actually a Creative Director.

3. Who are you most scared of/nervous to speak to?

I don’t really know who/what is on the top floor. But I feel like they/it would make me nervous.

4. When you tell people that you are interning at Ogilvy, how do they respond?

“Oh cool, I’ve heard of that place. Do you get lots of free stuff?”

5. If you could be anyone in the agency for one day, who would it be?

Whoever/whatever it is that’s on the top floor.

6. Do you take the lift or the stairs?

I take the lift. Unless I am following behind someone and they take the stairs. I’m not lazy, I just like lifts.

7. How many cups of tea/coffee have you been drinking per day?

On the first day I drank around 8 or 9 cups of coffee. Then I realised that I was probably going to overdose and never sleep again, so I swapped over to Rooibos tea. I’m still probably on around 9 cups a day though. I’m pretending that its healthy ‘coz its herbal.

8. What did you wear on your first day, and why?

High-waisted grey shorts, a ¾ sleeve black tucked in top, black tights and black riding boots with a denim jacket. My friend works at a magazine and I based what I thought people would wear at Ogilvy, on that. Biggest fear: Looking slutty.

9. What surprised you most about working at Ogilvy?

There is a better relationship between suits and creatives then I had expected. Actually this goes for all the departments, people seem to get on (for the most part) very well. Also, I kept having to remind myself that the work we were doing was real. So if the budget said R20,000, there was no way I was going to be able to convince anyone that a giant billboard on top of Table Mountain was a good idea. Darn.

10. If you were offered a job at Ogilvy, but you had to run naked up and down the stairs first, would you do it?

I would do it naked and on my hands, whilst singing “Nelly the Elephant” and juggling balls of fire with my feet. Nah, actually I wouldn’t. Being naked in front of your co-workers just doesn’t feel like a great first impression.

Ogilvy Intern Awards: IAIAA


As its intern season here at Ogilvy Cape Town, we thought we would create the IAIAA (The Internal Advertising Intern Advertising Achievement Awards).

Judging is taking place today over what we hope will be a long lunch with lots of wine. The competition is tough! we will post the results and some pictures of the winners on Monday.

Click on the image to zoom in and read the rules some of our creative team made up for the competition.

Have a wonderful weekend.

The Bang Bang Club Premiere #2


Due to the high demand in tickets, and your fantastic support, the 8h30 pm show on Tuesday 19th July has been sold out – however we will now be screening a 6h15 pm show on the same evening (19 July). There will be snacks served in between the two shows.

Please contact [email protected] for ticket bookings.