Ogilvy Interns Q&A: Ella de Villiers


Below is a Q&A we have started sending out to see what our interns think of life @OgilvyCT. We will be posting more of these over the coming weeks and months. As a bonus we are giving away 2 tickets to our main Ogilvy Loeries Agency after party, an Ogilvy gift hamper, + huge respect to the intern that gets the most Facebook “Likes” for their answers (Just click the “like” button above this post). Enjoy!


1. What is the most embarrassing thing that COULD happen to you at Ogilvy?

Well, probably if I fell down all the stairs while simultaneously losing control of my bladder…yip, that would not be good.

2. What is the most embarrassing thing that HAS happened to you?

Nothing really, unless you count that thing with the tea and the double-sided tape and the mounting station.

3. Who are you most scared of/nervous to speak to?

That top floor seems pretty intimidating…

4. When you tell people that you are interning at Ogilvy, how do they respond?

They generally want to know if I’ve had much sleep and if I’ve gone crazy yet.

5. If you could be anyone in the agency for one day, who would it be?

Sharleen, definitely Sharleen, the controller of all that is good and evil J

6. Do you take the lift or the stairs?

Take the lift up and the stairs down.

7. How many cups of tea/coffee have you been drinking per day?

About 5 – 10 cups of tea, yum!

8. What did you wear on your first day, and why?

Um, leggings, some dress top, boots and my navy blue jacket. It’s a comfy outfit and I like it J

9. What surprised you most about working at Ogilvy?

How quickly everything gets done and how urgent it all is – real world pressures can’t be taught at college.

10. If you were offered a job at Ogilvy, but you had to run naked up and down the stairs first, would you do it?

Nope. But if it was an incredible contract I might do it in my underwear…

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